Today I browsed, and I found an old bicycle a lady was going to give to whoever who wanted it. I've longed for a bike for long times now, so I called her up at once! So tomorrow I'm going to Bergen to pick up my new cycle! :D It is an blue DBS lady bike in good shape.. I know it's silly, but I'm looking forward :D I don't think I could go for anything like this.. but I can dream :D
We had a lesson about Global warming yesterday, so I'm going to be a global freak.. :P So I'll start with getting an used cycle, continue to shop at fleas and at second hand shops, turn of the light at my room when I'm not there, turn of my computer at night and turn of my speakers when I not use them.. Maybe I shall think about remove my mobile charger as well... I've heard they use current even though the mobile isn't plugged in... So do the same as me; stay cool, and go green ;)
We had so much History homeworks today... So we decided to go out. And we found a sprinkler! So there we where, dancing in the water in the dark, with no worries and way too much clothes. As we where running around, we decided to take a bath! No stormy cold autumn night could stop us:D IF you live on an island, you live on an island.. And eh, we didn't have any bathing costume nearby.., but it was dark and no people (i hope..) It was actually kind of hot :D And to end our little evening we had some ice cream which we, of course, ate outside( in a little cottage in cover for the wind). I like autumn nights :D but now the history is waiting... see yah!
Well mama told me, when I was young Said sit beside me, my only son And listen closely to what I say And if you do this, it'll help you some sunny day
Ahhh Yeah it will
Or take your time don't live to fast Troubles will come and they will pass You'll find a woman and you'll find love And don't forget that there's is a someone up above
[Chorus] Be a simple kind of man Be a something you love and understand Baby be a simple kind of man Oh won't you do this for me son if you can (if you can)
Forget your lust for the rich man's gold All that you need now is in your soul And you can do this(oh baby)if you try All that I want from you my son is to be satisfied
[Chorus] And be a simple kind of man Be a something that you love and understand Baby be a simple kind of man Oh won't you do this for me son if you can (if you can)
Oh don't you worry You'll find yourself Follow your heart And nothing else And you can do this(oh baby)if you try All that I want from you my son is to be satisfied
[Chorus] And be a simple kind of man Oh won't you do this for me son if you can So baby be a simple be a simple man Oh won't you do this for me son if you can
Nå e eg lei av å skrive på engelsk, så da tar vi det på norsk:D For første gang dette året har eg blitt ferdig med leksene FØR innetid! Følelsen e ubeskrivelig fantastisk, eg kan sosse rundt og vite at det e faktisk ingenting aent eg burede gjort!(se bort i fra vaske klær, rydde rom, ta oppvasken)(a) Og så har eg begynt på dans i dag! Ska bli så utrolig digg å ha noe fast å holde på med, og dansing ligge hjertet mitt nært, så det blir jo konge:D
Sånn ellers så har eg surfa litt rundt og funne 4 spennende bruktbutikker I Darmstadt som eg skal besøke når vi reise til tyskland! Ska bli MAX digg :)
Skulle på møte i dag og, men atter en gang ble det avlyst:( Det e sugent, må snart begynne å gjøre en innsats sjøl her for at det skal skje noe. Blir i alle fall Greys Anatomy med boller i kveld da, det blir kos! :)
Dagens visdom: La ikkje det onde styra livet dit, men overvinn det onde med det gode.
I was in a wedding this weekend, and it was much fun:D We danced swing and chachacha all night long! The Lunde Haugsdal family is so great people and it's always fun to visit them. Monday morning I had to go to the Policestation and fix my ID to the Germanytour in three weeks:D On the bus home, i came in contact with a man. I got an impression he was an open and nice man, and when I started to talk to him it turned out to be right! He was drug addict, but at the time he lived at a Rehab Senter in Notodden. One of the first things I was thinking about him was how social and easy he was to come in contact with. The truth was that he had big social problems and if I had turned him down and answered him adversely, he would have sit totally quiet the rest of the trip,and that was maany hours. He kept telling me about how badly he felt about all the hungry children in Africa and how he wanted to help them. He was so sad that he had no money to send to them or anything.. While I was talking to him i was eating a pice of bread with a banana. Cheap and easy. And when I was done, he's like, woow, was it good? It's really a long time since I've eaten banana. But there was no rush feelings. He also mentioned how lucky I was that could study. That I was able to use my brain and such. I started to think how unthankfull I often am. Here he sits talking about all the hungry children in africa, and how sad he is that he have to use his money on medicines. And how good a banana actually tastes! I will begin to be more thankful for all the money and oportuneties I have. I really am a lucky and blessed girl! He was a Christian too, and had many wise things to say about life and faith. I was lucky who could give him some money in the name of God :) ..And knowing he would not use them on drugs... It's always exciting to be leaded by God and be part of the Heaven. I commit it :P