4. desember 2008

Då va da helg for min del! :-)

Eg e så lett ferdig med treningslæren!! JADDA :D
Så nå ska malene bare pakka i full fart, and then she's heading for Stavanger og ei helg med mye kos :D

Trass i miljøet, tar eg fly, sjølv om det berre er ein liten innlanstur..(open for kritikk) E som ho Svanhild sa på møte i går; ein vil gjerne gjere det som e godt og bra, men noen ganger får ein det rett og slett berre ikkje til... (and that's why we need Jesus ;) *Kapush*

Ha ein fortreffeleg aften! :D :D :D :D

3. desember 2008

Jaja, Kaja!

Nå e Malene ferdig med uthaldskapittelet! Fest! :D
Det vil seie at ho har lest omtrent 18% av pensum, har over 250 sider igjen å lese og klokko e nå 16:54... Eg ønske meg sjøl herved lykke til :)

I dag

lese Malene til treningslæretentamen!

og sitte på facebook
..og på bloggen
..og snakke med Nils
..og diskutere kollektiv reise til stavanger
..og spise
.. og spise litt til
..og sove
..og pakke
..og glede seg til skisessongen
.. og explore
.. og julafto
..og ete melkesjokolade med nonstop til 15 kr fra Spar

I går fekk Malene beskjed om at norsklæraren var overraska om hennar meiningar om miljøpolitikken. Men så fann han ut at det var eit kåseri... ;)

Ha ein flott dag folkens!

2. desember 2008

Eg visste ikkje..

..at eg var så dårleg i å bøya nynorske sterke verb x)

27. november 2008

Angels Fall Down

I dag i mattetimen fikk eg en åpenbaring. Eg hadde nett funne fram bøkene, og skulle til å begynne å skrive. Først måtte eg bare få på noe musikk på min nye, vakkre Ipod. Første sangen som kom opp når sangene va Shuffla va Angels Fall Down av Skillet. Og eg bare stoppa heilt opp med det eg holdt på med, og blei bare sittande å høra på songen. Sykt bra! Skuldrene bare senka seg skikkelig. Visste ikkje at eg hadde ddenne sangen en gang :) Så dette har dermed blitt dagens sang, spelt 10 ganger i dag trur eg :P

Kos deg med an, og ha en fin kveld! :)

18. november 2008

Kjære Gud, hjelp oss å utrydde kromosonfeilene!

Jeg er verdifull, jeg er smart, jeg er nordmann og ja, jeg vet best. Og når noen tar opp dette politiske spørsmålet om abort, kjenner jeg at det er like før jeg pjuker. Tenk for eksempel på disse Downs-”folka”! Tenk hvis dem ikke hadde vert her, og irritert oss med deres store glede over enkle, små ting! Jeg blir helt sliten av de folka som for eksempel bryter ut i latter over at katten har fått fjerna disse ekle, små bloddyra, som har en tendens til å suge seg fast i pelsen. La oss ta en fest! tenker de. La oss drite i det, tenker jeg. Tenk så mye bedre sted denne verden hadde vert, om vi hadde sluppet all den gleden a! Da kunne vi endelig få være stille og inneslutta nordmenn, slik som vi er skapt til å være.

Ikke bare slepper vi all denne unødvendige gleden, vi sparer penger også! Altså tenk på det, vi bruker sikkert like mye penger på disse folka hvert år, som vi bruker når vi står i kø på butikken. Alle kjenner til denne snikende lysten på alle fristeriene som står der og skriker til oss. TA MEG, TAAA MEEEEEEEEG!!! Skriker de fra hyllene og alle de fine flettekorgene som de har satt opp. Nei, faktisk er dette å foretrekke og bruke penger på, foran den pesten det er å se en smilende kromosonfeil.

I Danmark, der er de heldige der! Der har de snart kvitta seg med all den irriterende, stygge gleden de har! De har nemlig bestemt seg for å utrydde disse inntrengerne, som av en eller annen grunn klarer å snike seg inn mellom oss andre vanlige, mer verdifulle mennesker. For oss negative og pessimistiske nordmenn kommer Danmark til å bli rene himmelsang på jord. Så kjære Gud, hjelp oss også her i Norge, til å utrydde kromosonfeilene!

Hvorfor skal ikke denne jenta ha rett til liv?

17. november 2008


Ka ønske malene seg til jul??

Malene vart tvinga til å ta utfordringa.. :)

Shuffle Ipoden, og skriv opp de 10 første sangene som komme...

1. The Shins- Black Wave
2. Joe Henry - God only knows
3. Joe Henry - Sivil War
4. The Hellacopters - The creeps
5. Bob Dyland - Sound of Silence
6. Surferosa- Chinese Moon
7. James Blunt - Billie
8. The Shins - Mind's not a high horse
9. Hillsong - Look to you
10. Newsboys - Take me to your leader

sucking to hard on your Lollipop!

Fikk en slikkepinne av elisabets ettertrakta halloweengodteri nettopp..
Ska eg ta detta personlig, eller prøvde ho berre å vera snill?

min mobil

Min mobil e teit i hode. Eg og mobiler går rett og slett ikkje sammen. Etter min n’te telefon har eg gitt opp å kjøpe ny, og har derfor levd på gamlis telefoner med fargeskjerm som fresheste oppdatering i lengre tid nå(vi snakke år). Det går egentlig for så vidt greit det, får jo teksta og ringt.. men problemet med min nåværende telefon e at når den falle i gulvet( som den egentlig ofte gjør… ) så falle bakdekselet og batteriet ut… Og da har det seg slik at du må stille inn klokko og dato på ny. Det som e positivt e jo at eg faktisk klare å holde styr på datoen, i og med at dette omtrent skjer daglig..Det som e verre, e at min tidsrekning e ein plass mellom syv og ti minutter forann vanlig tid.. Egentlig så e verken data- eller Ipod klokko rett heller.. så når eg da skal stille mobilklokka ti minutter fram i tid( tro meg, det e utrolig praktisk! Og så blir eg alltid så glad når eg finne ut at eg har ti ekstra minutter! :D )ane eg ikkje kor langt eg faktisk har stilt fram klokko… Så det har hendt mer enn en gang at eg nesten halvspringe ned til klasserommet når eg har vert på rommet, siden eg egentlig ikkje har litt kontroll på ka klokko faktisk e… konklusjon: Min mobil e teit i hodet som ikkje klare å la være å spytte ut batteriet hver eneste dag! Kanskje en teipbit e løsningen…

Og ja, eg e jo ikkje helt blond.. eg kan jo bare stille klokko rett. Men poenget e at det å ha klokka for fort e en del av meg :P Og den gledene eg får av å finna ut at eg har ekstra tid e virkelig verdt det. Og om en kan fikse på problemet i stedet for å endre personlighet, så tenke eg det e flott! Alle har vel ting som rett og slett bare e sånn, fordi du e nett den du e?

PS: grunnen til lite bilder i det siste e rett og slett grunna at eg ikkje finn kameraet mitt :(

Outfit :P

Gjorde et herlig kupp med den røde Hummel-jakken for bare 30 kr på gjenbruksbutikk!:D

16. november 2008

har fått en forkjærlighet for ordbekreftelsex)

-> INGBO <-

smak på da!


haha :) tøffeste ordbekreftelse eg har vert ute for før eg skal poste en kommentar x)

what have I done this weekend:

  • Bada -> Kaldt i hodet andre hoppet, men anbefalast! :D
  • Jegerpsøvekurs -> Va der faktisk i to og ein halv time før eg fant ut at eg ikkje gadd å bruka helgo på da... :P
  • Jentekveld -> eller jentetimer.. før gospelnight med film, facemask og gullerøtter med dip! :D
  • Gospelnight -> digg :D
  • Helena -> Har spurt om eg vil ta over som danselærer for ho for en kristen dansegruppe fra 5-7 kl når ho skal ut å reise! :D :D
  • Kristendom -> Har begynt på innleveringen til tirsdag, og e faktisk NESTEN ferdig!
  • Besøk- > MARTHE OG IDA KOM :D:D:D
  • Talentiade -> Øvde sånn cirka fra kvelds til rett før talentiaden.. vi ble noen elegante ballerinaer!
  • Nach Talentiade -> Campa i en hylle på dynelageret(oppå alle dynene;) før vi spiste pizza og såg ein film. :D

12. november 2008


Malene har spist kebab i dag. Med Elisabet, Andreas, Hildegunn og Nils. Da va kos :)
Og så har ho lurt litt på å posta eit outfitinnlegg snart.. Ho har nemlig kjøpt seg samesko og ein jakke fra....hmmm..lenge siden! :)

Og ja, sitt framleis i sengo til elisabet :)

11. november 2008

Malene is

sitting i elisabet si seng. Den e mjuk. Og fargerik. Men Postman Pat e ikkje her lenger... :(

Blop Blop

Du er søt.


10. november 2008

Laaaaaaaaazy Weekend!

Hm.. I have found out; I'm not good at this blog thing.. :P NEVER updates x)
Anyways.. The most laaazy weekend this autumn was lovely! I have done nothing(nearly) :P Ended school at Thursday, went to a friends house with all the girls in my class to celebrate her birhday <- much fun! Went home the day after and joined KRIK and a little visit in NATTCAFE <- haven't been there for a year! :P So it was cosy :) Saturday I was sick... blæ. I spent the whole day laying at the coatch, so when the evening came my back hurted A LOT! :P felt like an old lady x) Next day I took where out jogging just so i could strech it out again x) don't like jogging( that much) LOOOVES streching :P Oh yeah :P Sunday I spent cleaning up some old stuff I have saved since I was little. So much memories :) Of course I couldn't throw everything! So I made a box with stuff that was valuable to me x) hihi :D But guess what's waiting now... :P yeah , HOOMEWOOORK :D:D I got two tests on a row after this "long-weekend".. MEans there is no extra days of, because you have to study for this tests.. What can I say.. Looking forward allready ... :D (trying to be positive here... :P) My old dance class!! :D Backstage before a preformance x) Good old times :) <3

30. oktober 2008

Keep thy heart<3

Autumn is hard. Lots of school work that takes all the time, and NEVER comes to and end. You never get time to do the things you love, neither the things you should have done.. Like keep your room tidy and clean.. <- Big Problem!! :P Feels like you don't have enough time to your friends or anything.. The last week I have been thinking about a really important verse; "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."

Or in Norwegian(more personal:p)
"Bevar ditt hjerte fremfor alt du bevarer, for livet går ut fra det!"

The last month I've been really exhausted, and felt like i was a living dead. Chased by all the stuff around me, and wasn't able to just relax or anything.. But now it's getting better. And in that stage I got remembered at this verse. And then, at a meeting some days ago he started to talk about exactly this verse. How you have to manage your life out of yourself(including your heart), and not by all the things that happens around you. And like that wasn't enough.. The morning after I was up early and had good time before breakfast.. So I spent some time praying and reading the bible. And as I turned my bible open in just a random spot, the same verse met my eyes. So I think I have to take the hint.. So from now on I will start to Keep my heart with all diligence ;) At least try :) Good stuff!

AND what I also think is very important this rainy, cold days with mountains of things to do. Give the Lord first mortgage, because: "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." AND "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

Be blessed! You are loved by him, and he wants you to walk in green flower meadows<3

28. oktober 2008

KRIK Framnes

Vilkårelig KRIK samling..

It's now official! KRIK Framnes exists! :D First gathering will be at Thursday, and I'm really looking forward. There is going to me sports, games, fun and Jesus for everyone in high school at Framnes half eight! So, if you don't wanna miss something big, or just is curious.. BE THERE! ;) Very social and fun! Just ask everyone who knows what KRIK is. So if you haven't got the chance to be here( Framnes is kinda long away from people..:p) I'm sure there is a KRIK gathering near you ;D www.krik.no if you want to check it out... (:

And some bad news.. My Ipod haven't come yet.. :( And I have to contact Patrik.. yeah:P So that I can get it as soon as possible.. stress

26. oktober 2008


God loves me just as much when I sleep, as when I get good grades or do something very GoodChristianStuff... Means there is no pressure to be something more or something else then what you are. Pretty cool, eh? :)
have a nice day!

25. oktober 2008

Totally change of plans! And a new leather jacket

Sometimes, I have to say, I'm happy I'm a "P". An Extreme P... And for those who doesn't know what that means, it's like.. Your personality consists of four letters.. One of mine is P. You could be this letter in a very light way, or more extreme.. I would say I'm closer to extreme than light...

And now, what on earth does "P" mean?

It's like when you really don't mather if your plans is changing the minute before you should have done it.. Or you like to do things really spontaneously. OK, it's more complex than that.. But you get a little clue of what it means..

About a hour before I was going home for my long planned weekend, I change my planes and travelled to Stavanger 10 min after.. Yeah.. And I hadn't even packed my stuff... But it went good. Think Eirin's iPod saved me from the long trip, when I couldn't find my own mp3-player..(Thanks!!!!) You should have seen me, dancing to Michael Jackson's "Beat it" on the ferry dock. At least I made much fun :P Happy I didn't know anybody in the area.. Heeh B-)

It's raining outside...

Today I've spent time reading a magazine at a cafè with my dad.. :D liked it very much. And.. I've bought a too expencive jacket... BUT i liked it, and i needed a new one.. AND my daddy helped me with some money.. so I just had to :P (I really don't like to buy so much clothes anymore!! Believe it or not.. I'm going sick of this shopping/throwing culture..! Throwing up this very moment. And yes, I'm not so good at it myself either, but I'm trying.. Blæh. I'm gonna be a better person! :-)


Also visited a art museum today. It was exciting and fun. And you really get exhausted by so many exprecions and feelings you get :P Want to do it more often, I like art. So cool how different persons get their own feelings of each "thing/picture/film" they see, dependent by where you are in your life, what you have experienced and are thinking about. If you let it :) It should have been a subject at school. Maybe I study it later?
Tonight I'm looking forward to a crazy smoothie and biscuit, cheese and grapes. Mmmm (:

Aii.. don't like it when my blog turns out to be a diary..

But But, it's not Only only.. (As our proud ReallyKnownNorwegianHotelPersonThatHisNameICan'tRemember says.. x)

22. oktober 2008

dudududu(8) Foreign Language- Anberlin :D

I'm tired of Framnes now... Feels like the only thing I do here is homework, or thinking about that I should have done some homework.. Almost every subject is graduate.. :S

But some light spots are there to! Yesterday 43 people accepted salvation and 2 got healed at my school! That actually is kind a cool :D AND this weekend its a night cup at home. So I and Elisabet are going to lead the show. OH YEEAH :P
And of course fantastic five are going to play the sh** out of the rest of the teams.. ehe.. :P

God is great people!
dreaming of the autumnvacation...

Me and Hildegunn on our way up to the sexy statue of Ole Bull. Grr

Afterwards we met MArthe og Ida and went to Hillsong Bergen. So nice!

She's just showing off.. I beat her. Easy..

Don't we just L.O.V.E the escalator!:P *RememberingTheBadManOnTheTopThatWasn'tSoBadAfterAll*
laughing... xD

And of course the crazy swede who was there the whole time, taking pics of it all..
Don't worry.. He IS normal.. It just doesn't show in this pic (;
Thanks for visiting! Much fun :)


13. oktober 2008

oh Happyness!

today I've bought an Ipod :D:D:D hoho!
I think 120 GB will do ;)
and with "Owe no one anything, except to love each other" engraved on the back it can't be better! looking forward to when it arrives in my mail box(:

Now i have to get started with my homeworks.. big test tomorrow. asj

Maybe I've fixed a trustee that can come with me on the Big Bang Concert! Wee:D

Now I have to make a pray to get some more concentration, focus and awakeness, otherways I will never get through this evening alive |-) I'm sleeping alreadyzzz


I miss my dad. Like really, really miss him. Love you, daddy<3

1. oktober 2008

it's official - I'm back! ;D

(8)Last weeks song(8)

Ich bin Norwegich und spreche nicht gut Deutch,
Icg bin Norwegisch undt spresche nicht gut Deutch!
Bitte langsam, bitte langsam,
bitte sprechen sie dorh langsam,
ich bin Norwegisch und spreche nicht gut Deutch

We sang this in the streets of Germany, and it was so much fun:D

Sleeping princesses(in plural) ;)

hoho, i'm back! :P after a loong time, i know:P Since last time i have been to Germany, and it was absolutely amazing! (I promise to post a pic of my bike later, even though i don't make promises..!) cause now im going to tell something that happend in germany..

Lovely view in Frankfurt <- BIG city

:P I had thought about cut my hair when I were down there cause there is so nice prices.. So the second last day we walked pass a very cool hairdresser. It was all yellow, and the hairdressers there was really young and trendy. And as they nearly danced when they cutted hair and were spinning their sissores around their fingers as Luky Luke spinns his guns, the hot music filled the whole room. I just HAD to get my hair done here. :P So i ordered an hour, and a half hour later a was sitting in the chair asked what i wanted to do... I had no idea, but that i wanted to do something with my hair.. The hairdresser really wanted to colour my hair and i've thought about it before.. so since i first where there at this crazy place, i just trusted this guy.. So he showd me some colours, among others a red colour.. And I were like, whatever you do. DON'T put anything red in my hair, AT ALL! He was a littlebit dissapointed, but showed my something that looked like a light brown colour i coul have as highlights... so i said yes.. So they did their thing for one hour...two hours...three hours... and finally they where done with the colour and could start to cut my hair. And i just: woow, this is red! and pointed at the highlights... And he said: no, it's not red. I promise you. Me: No, this is red.. He: No, it's not! it's orange!! Me: DOOH!

Don't think they've heard of speed limits in germany.. :P

First, he had promised to use ca two hours, now it had went three.. The clock was now half past five, and at half past six I HAD to meet the others like 20 min away with the bus, and i had NO idea when the bus leaved...) And he hadn't begin to cut my hair... :P So when he said he could recolour my hair I just had to say no :P Cause there was no time.. And at the moment i didn't care much about my hair, just how angry my teacher would get if i came to late.. aj. So there where two hairdressers cutting my hair at the same time, and i was to close to pee on me.. (That was btw not just then, but the whoole time I was sitting there..:P) So when i finally had paid and could run to the bus i couldn't stay still, i just tripped around, longed for the toilet :P And when we AT LAST arrived the school(not too late :D) mt teacher weren't even there! There was noone there to lock up the school to the holy toilet, so i ran to the wood.. And of course I sat down on some nettles(burning bushes) and burned my but! YEAH!! Beat that.. orange hair and a burned (red)but, and i was on my way to Bunter Abend(means: colourful evening)... Safe home in Norway i'm starting to getting used to my hair and my but doesn't hurt anymore.. So i just miss germany and all the lovely people a lot:)

most of the people at the top of a long stone i can't remember the history behind... :P

Just for fun i wrote this text in orange...


i have to update, i knooow! :P But it's only that I have so much I want to say that I don't know where to start:P And since there is so much, and so little time at the moment, I keep to put it off...
But I've been to Germany and I've got my new bike, both where amazing! Now I'm just tired and miss Germany and my "new" family down there... Of course there is to much to do at school this week too... So I try to remember how it was to have a life between all the homework... and to evacuate with some episodes of One three hill now and then. I guess I'll be fine :)

11. september 2008

"New" bicycle :D

Today I browsed Finn.no, and I found an old bicycle a lady was going to give to whoever who wanted it. I've longed for a bike for long times now, so I called her up at once! So tomorrow I'm going to Bergen to pick up my new cycle! :D It is an blue DBS lady bike in good shape.. I know it's silly, but I'm looking forward :D

I don't think I could go for anything like this.. but I can dream :D

We had a lesson about Global warming yesterday, so I'm going to be a global freak.. :P So I'll start with getting an used cycle, continue to shop at fleas and at second hand shops, turn of the light at my room when I'm not there, turn of my computer at night and turn of my speakers when I not use them.. Maybe I shall think about remove my mobile charger as well... I've heard they use current even though the mobile isn't plugged in... So do the same as me; stay cool, and go green ;)

9. september 2008

LIVE NOW - you're not a grown up before you dare to be childish ;)

We had so much History homeworks today... So we decided to go out. And we found a sprinkler! So there we where, dancing in the water in the dark, with no worries and way too much clothes. As we where running around, we decided to take a bath! No stormy cold autumn night could stop us:D IF you live on an island, you live on an island.. And eh, we didn't have any bathing costume nearby.., but it was dark and no people (i hope..) It was actually kind of hot :D And to end our little evening we had some ice cream which we, of course, ate outside( in a little cottage in cover for the wind). I like autumn nights :D but now the history is waiting... see yah!

8. september 2008

i norsktimen..

Betydniga av Fylke
det bryr meg ein plass
ja, ordet bør berre nevnast på dass

Norsk istadenfor tur
det gjer meg frykteleg sur
sov for lenge
eg er ikkje lur

Runar og romersk alfabet
og fleire ord mer r'ar i
Skogen bablar om amunitet
overdøver nesten min musikkpoesi...

4. september 2008


Prakkar seg på dag og kveld
Aldri fred å få

Sug energien ut or meg
Skal liksom gjere meg smart


På sosialt liv, hjerneceller og vakenheita
Ei tung bør
På ein stakkarsleg ung elev

Lengtar etter fridom
og eit liv

Står i vegen

Er min fiende

Akk, dei ventar på meg no.

Av: Malene Rusten

Simple man - Shinedown

Well mama told me, when I was young
Said sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely to what I say
And if you do this, it'll help you some sunny day

Yeah it will

Or take your time don't live to fast
Troubles will come and they will pass
You'll find a woman and you'll find love
And don't forget that there's is a someone up above

Be a simple kind of man
Be a something you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can
(if you can)

Forget your lust for the rich man's gold
All that you need now is in your soul
And you can do this(oh baby)if you try
All that I want from you my son is to be satisfied

And be a simple kind of man
Be a something that you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can
(if you can)

Oh don't you worry
You'll find yourself
Follow your heart
And nothing else
And you can do this(oh baby)if you try
All that I want from you my son is to be satisfied

And be a simple kind of man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can
So baby be a simple be a simple man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can

2. september 2008

Hoho :D

Nå e eg lei av å skrive på engelsk, så da tar vi det på norsk:D
For første gang dette året har eg blitt ferdig med leksene FØR innetid! Følelsen e ubeskrivelig fantastisk, eg kan sosse rundt og vite at det e faktisk ingenting aent eg burede gjort!(se bort i fra vaske klær, rydde rom, ta oppvasken)(a)
Og så har eg begynt på dans i dag! Ska bli så utrolig digg å ha noe fast å holde på med, og dansing ligge hjertet mitt nært, så det blir jo konge:D

Sånn ellers så har eg surfa litt rundt og funne 4 spennende bruktbutikker I Darmstadt som eg skal besøke når vi reise til tyskland! Ska bli MAX digg :)

Skulle på møte i dag og, men atter en gang ble det avlyst:( Det e sugent, må snart begynne å gjøre en innsats sjøl her for at det skal skje noe. Blir i alle fall Greys Anatomy med boller i kveld da, det blir kos! :)

Dagens visdom: La ikkje det onde styra livet dit, men overvinn det onde med det gode.

he ein fin kveld!

Mitt for tiden veldig ryddige rom.. aj

1. september 2008

What a junkie can learn me

I was in a wedding this weekend, and it was much fun:D We danced swing and chachacha all night long! The Lunde Haugsdal family is so great people and it's always fun to visit them. Monday morning I had to go to the Policestation and fix my ID to the Germanytour in three weeks:D
On the bus home, i came in contact with a man. I got an impression he was an open and nice man, and when I started to talk to him it turned out to be right! He was drug addict, but at the time he lived at a Rehab Senter in Notodden. One of the first things I was thinking about him was how social and easy he was to come in contact with. The truth was that he had big social problems and if I had turned him down and answered him adversely, he would have sit totally quiet the rest of the trip,and that was maany hours. He kept telling me about how badly he felt about all the hungry children in Africa and how he wanted to help them. He was so sad that he had no money to send to them or anything.. While I was talking to him i was eating a pice of bread with a banana. Cheap and easy. And when I was done, he's like, woow, was it good? It's really a long time since I've eaten banana. But there was no rush feelings. He also mentioned how lucky I was that could study. That I was able to use my brain and such. I started to think how unthankfull I often am. Here he sits talking about all the hungry children in africa, and how sad he is that he have to use his money on medicines. And how good a banana actually tastes! I will begin to be more thankful for all the money and oportuneties I have. I really am a lucky and blessed girl! He was a Christian too, and had many wise things to say about life and faith. I was lucky who could give him some money in the name of God :) ..And knowing he would not use them on drugs... It's always exciting to be leaded by God and be part of the Heaven. I commit it :P

28. august 2008

Gotta catch em' all, POKÈMON! :D

SNORLAXMy favourite pokemon^^

27. august 2008

Erik is comming:D

Our favourite sweedish man is coming visiting us in a very short time, and I can't say how much I'm looking forward:D:D This pic is from Easter last year when we went visiting him and his folks... As u can see we had a fight here, and Norway,of course, was the winner ;D

25. august 2008

Class outing

This weekend my class went on a kayak trip to visit an old village where no one have lived the last fifty years. There's no road leading there, so we had to go there by boat/kayak. We visited an old man to, who has been on TV. He lives in the mountains an half hour walk from the little village. (Two hours due to the TV-program... And it only took us 30 minutes.. laazy people :P)
He was really sweet! He had lived there all his life, and had no wife. I could easily married him to succeed his old farm, cause it was absolutely B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L-L!
Love my class, it's amazingly fun to go together with u people!! :D:D<3

Jon Skår :)

Nice outfit!

Introuduciiiing: Arnfinn Baar, a guy I meet at KRIK Arena 2008. I liked his outfit!

17. august 2008

2 grade, here I come;)

tonight is the night.. The LAST evening this summer! I feel kind of sad and extremely happy at the same time..! It's sad that hot weather and long nights will be replaced by warm clothes and homework... But it'll be fun to learn new things and more German! :D and to get back to the rutines.. :) I love my school and my life here! :D
good luck to everyone starting school tomorrow...!

I'm not cool

a friend of mine showed me a really cool song, and searching on you tube I found a really cool video with it! :D It really underlines what this song is about.. Good lyrics, so listen carefully :) Introducing: I'm not cool-Scott Kippayne

13. august 2008

don't we just LOVE fashion?? :D

photo: ClothesHorse. Check out her profile on chictopia, or her blog

to all you crazy fashionfolks out there, i've found a really cool site for us:D check out www.chictopia.com ure able to check it out before u make u're own profile.. :)

JErry from Caribbean

spent some hours in Kvadrat( a shopping mall) in Stavanger last week, and when i was there i began to talk with a guy. His name was Jerry and he was on holiday in norway, visiting some people he had learned to know when they where in his country( can't remember wich..)
He could tell that there was some differents in our coultures. When a girl wear a baggy jeans down there, everybody thinks she's a lesbian :P And if a boy wear what we call is a normal jeans here, he is "gay" down there.. :P The normal pants for boys in his country are really big oversized jeans like the ones Eminem wears or something... :P And as we all know, norwegians seldom just talk to unknown people unless they have a really good reason or get talked to. Maybe we should take contact next time we meet some tourists, i think they would be happy for it! :)

..and if u're lucky and get to know them well,(and they're from an exotic place) u can come visit them sometime ;)

3. august 2008

summer in the city

how great isn’t it beein young, knowing you have ure whole life in front of you, just waited to be lived?? And the best part, only you can deside the direction and what YOU want it to contain :D Spend time on what you love, and remember life is NOW, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but today! :)

Bought my glases on this pic a friday night out in Bergen with Joddlis. Only 200 NOK. They're 20 years old, designerglasses from ZNIRP. Made in W. Germany berfore the wall was broken, VINTAGE me like yes;)

1. august 2008

im on vacation...

and have better things to do then write her.. so i suggest that you too go out and enjoy the sun for at least to weeks and the fact that there is NO school and NO homework!! :D and after that i promise i'll be back on track very soon;)

im off to arena VERY soon :D

23. juli 2008

Peppes pizza

we tested our new resteurant after some shopping last week...

our capture :D (flip flops for only 10 NOK :D)

delicious pizza :D

we tested out our new resteurant last week... delicious pizza :D

20. juli 2008


can't find my camera, and i'm really keen to blog about my absolutely FAVOURITE jewel!! It's my grandmas old tape in a rope, and i just L.O.V.E it :D

soo, i found this pic for you instead x) at least i think it's kind of funny :P

19. juli 2008

Maritas woderfull photoblog!

I wanna introduce you for maritas wonderfull photoblog! She really shootes good photos with interesting light, a nice composition and lovely colours. If you look trough her pictures,it's impossible not to just love her work! Give her a comment of what you think so she can be even better(if that's possible ;) and happily continue to shoot this great pictures :)

some of her work:

16. juli 2008

A film we made last summer :P

i warn you.. its scary ;)


Got a Donal Duck cartoon from one of the pasients today, since this is my last week at work :D

I've conclude with that to get up at 6 o'clock in the morning is not the problem.. It's to get not too late in bed the evening before that is the hard part :/

i figure out i get 106 NOK/hour, so my paying will be like 19 000 :D
(i tought i would have around 12 000 ^^) AMEN!!

2 days left, and my vacation starts 4 real!

Meet Kalve<3.. mine and Elisabets summerlove last year ;D


..we were going to pick some blueberry after work.. We were in a good mood, and even tough it had rained all day, we could now wear a t-shirt without getting cold.. So off we went! :D Up in the wood where the blueberry bushes waited for us! And we where there for like ten whole minutes before we gave up.. xP We decided to get to the shop and buy some berrys there instead.. cause we had to make our pai!! :P And there where like 400 g berrys for lik 25 NOK or something..! We had been in the wood for ten minutes, and we have picked nearly 2 dl x) I hope it's a well paid job to pick berrys... :P

Our pies were really good! i had a smily on mine :D a nice evening(:

13. juli 2008

why God accept pain..

A man went to a hair dresser to get his hair cut. While the hair cutter worked, they began to talk. They talked about lots of different things, and when they came to the theme "God", the hair dresser said: "I don't believe God exists". "Why?" asked the customer. "Because you only needs to walk out in the street to see that he do not exists. Tell me, if God existed, would there be so many sick people? Would there be so many abandoned children? If God existed there wouldn't be pain and suffering. I can't imagine a God who accept these things." The customer tought a second, but decided to not say anything. He didn't want to start a fight.
The Hair Dresser finished his work, and the customer left the shop. The second after he had left, he saw a man with long, dirty and ugly hair. He looked filthy and scabby.
Then the customer went back to the Hair Dresser and told him that there don't exist any Hair Dressers. "How can you say that?" replied the hair dresser suprised. "I'm right here, and I'm a hair dresser. I just did your hair!"
"No!" said the customer. "Because if there did, there would not be people with long, dirty and ugly hair, like the man I just saw!"
"But hair dressers EXIST! That's just what happens to them if they don't come to me!"
"That's the point!" said the customer."God exist too, and that's what happens if they don't come to talk to him and ask for his help! That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

10. juli 2008

ei smellekta vaskjekjærring!

Im getting scared... Im on a good way to develope into an old crazy cleaning lady :P Its more fun to work these days, with Juni and Veronika there, who is almost my age. We have been experts in cleaning, so now we can take seriously long breaks, and still get done with our work! Today we had like 1 1/2 hour "breakfast break" After 1 1/2 hour work...(we didn't start working before half eight, even tough we where there at seven...) And for lunch we sat there for an hour.. :P We have found this cosy spot on the gras, its perfect when there is so nice weather :D i dont mind working in summer when you get paid for breaks^^

We have also found our favourite mop.. :P its only one and it's outstanding ;D

The pasients on my post starts to getting more and more anoying... i have to start telling them to stop and such.. i dont like that, but i have to make some lines for what i can allowed. So i think there will be no more hugs for me by this people.. :P But maybe that's for the better...

Tomorrow we're going to make smoothie in the lunch.. :D Im really looking forward to it, cause it's always so cosy in the fridays :)

But now im off to enjoy the sun.. :D See yah!