11. september 2008

"New" bicycle :D

Today I browsed Finn.no, and I found an old bicycle a lady was going to give to whoever who wanted it. I've longed for a bike for long times now, so I called her up at once! So tomorrow I'm going to Bergen to pick up my new cycle! :D It is an blue DBS lady bike in good shape.. I know it's silly, but I'm looking forward :D

I don't think I could go for anything like this.. but I can dream :D

We had a lesson about Global warming yesterday, so I'm going to be a global freak.. :P So I'll start with getting an used cycle, continue to shop at fleas and at second hand shops, turn of the light at my room when I'm not there, turn of my computer at night and turn of my speakers when I not use them.. Maybe I shall think about remove my mobile charger as well... I've heard they use current even though the mobile isn't plugged in... So do the same as me; stay cool, and go green ;)

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