Last night I and a buddy went to play tennis, but the field where taken so we had no choise but drive to Husnes--- We where there for like an half hour before we went to ica to buy some ice cream (at the same time it started raining..:P Just our luck...:P ) Therefore we figure out we're goin to watch EM.. so we went to his place with a pizza and just talked, played his brother real nice guitar and just chilled. A very nice evening :)
Today was my last day at work for a little while.. :P And my dad was in town, so he came and picked me up. After cleaning some clothes to next week, we went fishing :P I where a little sceptical cause i dont get fish very often.. that results in very few fishing toures.. :P But this time it was so cool! My dad showed me where to go, and I got like six fishes in only a little while! :D It was very cool! Afterwards we drove to eat dinner at grandma's. There i also started to sew on a shorts.. ill post a picture when its finish.. (: the evening i spent playing volleyball with some friends from my old class, very nice:)
1 kommentar:
Fisk e ekkelt. Men du va flink så klarte å få seks stk:)
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